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Our Picks For The Best Urgent Care EMR Software


Choosing the correct EMR system can optimize patient flow, increase accuracy in documentation, and boost patient outcomes. With the specific obstacles faced in urgent care environments, like a large number of patients, quick decision-making, and a variety of medical conditions, it’s crucial to select an EMR platform that can meet these demands. Here’s our list comparing 10 of the best EMR softwares for your urgent care practice.

1. DocuTAP EMR & Practice Management

Overview and Key Features

DocuTAP is a leading EMR and practice management solution designed specifically for the urgent care industry. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to support the fast-paced workflow of urgent care centers, including patient registration, triage, treatment, and billing. Its intuitive design and mobile capabilities allow for seamless operations, whether at the front desk or in the examination room.


  • Tailored Workflows for Urgent Care: DocuTAP provides workflows optimized for the unique needs of urgent care centers, enhancing efficiency and patient throughput.
  • Integrated Billing: The software includes an integrated billing system that simplifies the coding and billing process, helping to maximize revenue and reduce claim denials.
  • Robust Reporting Tools: With advanced reporting features, urgent care centers can track performance metrics, patient outcomes, and financial data to continuously improve operations.


  • May Require Customization for Specific Workflows: While highly adaptable, some centers may find the need for additional customization to perfectly align with their specific operational workflows.
  • Learning Curve for New Users: New users may require some time to fully master the software’s capabilities, though comprehensive training materials are provided.

2. Experity EMR

Overview and Key Features

Experity EMR (formerly Practice Velocity and DocuTAP) is another top contender tailored for the urgent care sector. It focuses on delivering efficient patient care through streamlined patient flow management, specialized urgent care templates, and integrated billing and coding features. Experity’s platform is designed to handle the high volume and quick turnover of patients characteristic of urgent care centers.


  • Specialized Urgent Care Templates: Experity offers templates and workflows specifically designed for urgent care, making patient documentation faster and more accurate.
  • Seamless Patient Flow Management: The system provides tools to manage patient queues effectively, reducing wait times and improving the patient experience.
  • Integrated Billing and Coding: Integrated billing functionality ensures that coding is accurate and compliant, streamlining the reimbursement process and improving financial performance.


  • Can Be Costly for Smaller Centers: The comprehensive feature set and specialization come with a price tag that may be prohibitive for smaller urgent care centers.
  • Occasional Updates Affecting Workflow: Regular software updates are necessary for maintaining security and functionality, but they can temporarily disrupt established workflows.

3. Practice Velocity VelociDoc Tablet EMR

Overview and Key Features

Practice Velocity’s VelociDoc Tablet EMR is designed with the unique demands of urgent care centers in mind, emphasizing speed and efficiency in patient documentation. Its tablet-based interface allows for rapid data entry and access, making it an ideal choice for facilities looking to minimize administrative time and focus more on patient care.


  • Fast Documentation: VelociDoc prides itself on its quick charting capabilities, allowing providers to complete documentation with just a few taps.
  • Intuitive Interface: The user-friendly design facilitates easy navigation, reducing the learning curve for new staff members.
  • Built-in Clinical Decision Support: The EMR includes clinical decision support tools that help providers make informed decisions quickly, enhancing patient safety and care quality.


  • Limited Customization: Some users might find the customization options for charts and templates limited compared to other EMR systems.
  • May Require Additional Training for Optimization: To fully leverage the system’s capabilities, some staff members may need additional training, which could be a consideration for busy urgent care centers.

4. AdvancedMD

Overview and Key Features

AdvancedMD offers a comprehensive EMR and practice management solution that suits a wide range of medical specialties, including urgent care. Its cloud-based system provides flexibility and scalability, with features like telemedicine, patient portal, and customizable templates, making it a versatile option for urgent care centers of any size.


  • Comprehensive Suite of Tools: AdvancedMD includes everything from appointment scheduling to billing and reporting, all integrated into one platform.
  • Flexible and Customizable: The software allows for significant customization, enabling practices to tailor the system to their specific needs and workflows.
  • Strong Mobile App: A robust mobile app enables providers to access patient information and manage tasks from anywhere, enhancing the flexibility of care delivery.


  • Price Point May Be High for Smaller Practices: The wide range of features comes at a cost, which might be challenging for smaller urgent care centers to afford.
  • Steep Learning Curve: The breadth of functionalities and customization options can be overwhelming, requiring substantial time and training to master.

5. Athenahealth

Overview and Key Features

Athenahealth’s EMR system is well-regarded for its cloud-based platform, offering a comprehensive suite of services including practice management, medical billing, and patient engagement tools. Designed to cater to a wide range of medical specialties, Athenahealth is particularly effective in urgent care settings for its ability to streamline operations and enhance patient care through network-based insights and a focus on proactive compliance.


  • Network-based Insights: Athenahealth leverages data from its extensive network of healthcare providers to deliver actionable insights that can help urgent care centers optimize their operations and patient care strategies.
  • Proactive Compliance Support: The system is designed to keep practices ahead of regulatory changes, ensuring compliance and minimizing the risk of penalties.
  • Efficient Billing: Athenahealth’s billing services are known for reducing administrative burden and improving financial outcomes, with specialized support for the unique billing challenges of urgent care.


  • Higher Cost: The comprehensive features and network benefits come with a higher price tag, which may be a significant consideration for smaller urgent care centers.
  • Some Reports of Delayed Customer Service Response: While generally praised for its customer support, some users have reported delays in receiving assistance, which could impact resolution times for urgent issues.

6. eClinicalWorks

Overview and Key Features

eClinicalWorks provides a robust EMR solution that’s suitable for a variety of healthcare settings, including urgent care. Its platform offers a suite of features designed to enhance patient care, streamline workflows, and support telehealth services. eClinicalWorks is recognized for its scalability, making it a good fit for urgent care centers of any size.


  • Comprehensive Functionality: eClinicalWorks comes equipped with a wide range of tools for patient management, billing, and reporting, all designed to improve efficiency and care quality.
  • Telehealth Support: The software includes built-in telehealth capabilities, enabling urgent care centers to offer remote consultations, an increasingly important service in today’s healthcare landscape.
  • Scalable to Any Size Practice: Whether you operate a single urgent care center or a large network, eClinicalWorks can scale to meet your needs without compromising performance.


  • Cluttered Interface: Some users find the interface to be cluttered and not as intuitive as it could be, which can affect usability and efficiency.
  • Varying Customer Support Experiences: While many users report satisfaction with eClinicalWorks’ support, there have been instances of inconsistent service quality, which could be a concern for centers requiring timely assistance.

7. NextGen Healthcare

Overview and Key Features

NextGen Healthcare offers a robust EMR system that is well-suited for the dynamic environment of urgent care centers. With its customizable templates and comprehensive suite of services, including practice management and patient engagement tools, NextGen Healthcare is designed to optimize workflows, enhance patient care, and ensure compliance.


  • Customizable Templates: Tailored to meet the specific needs of urgent care, NextGen’s templates can be customized, streamlining documentation and improving efficiency.
  • Strong Focus on Compliance: Regular updates ensure that the system remains compliant with the latest healthcare regulations, reducing the risk of penalties.
  • Mobile Access: Providers can access patient information and manage tasks on-the-go, enhancing flexibility and responsiveness.


  • Learning Curve: The extensive features and customization options can be overwhelming for new users, requiring a significant investment in training.
  • Additional Costs for Some Features: While NextGen Healthcare offers a comprehensive base system, some advanced features and integrations may incur additional costs.

8. Meditab IMS

Overview and Key Features

Meditab’s IMS (Intelligent Medical Software) is a versatile EMR solution that provides integrated practice management, billing, and a customizable EMR system. Designed to accommodate the unique requirements of various medical specialties, including urgent care, Meditab IMS supports efficient clinic operations and patient care.


  • Customizable for Urgent Care Needs: IMS offers flexibility in customization, allowing urgent care centers to tailor the software to their specific workflows and patient care protocols.
  • Integrated Practice Management: A unified platform for EMR and practice management streamlines administrative tasks and patient care, enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Strong Reporting: Advanced reporting capabilities enable clinics to analyze performance, patient outcomes, and financial metrics, facilitating informed decision-making.


  • Less Modern User Interface: Some users may find the user interface less intuitive and aesthetically pleasing compared to newer software options.
  • Software Update Challenges: Occasional issues with software updates can disrupt clinic operations, although Meditab works to minimize these disruptions.

9. Kareo Clinical EHR

Overview and Key Features

Kareo Clinical EHR is designed for small to mid-sized medical practices, including urgent care centers. It emphasizes ease of use, affordability, and effective practice management. With its cloud-based platform, Kareo enables efficient patient management, billing, and the delivery of care across multiple locations.


  • User-Friendly: Kareo’s interface is intuitive, making it easy for staff to adopt and use effectively with minimal training.
  • Cost-Effective: Offering a competitive pricing model, Kareo is an attractive option for urgent care centers mindful of budget constraints.
  • Integrates with Billing Services: Seamless integration with billing and coding services helps optimize financial performance and reduce administrative burdens.


  • Limited Functionality for Larger Facilities: While Kareo is well-suited for small to mid-sized practices, larger urgent care centers may find its functionality somewhat limited.
  • Support Response Times Can Vary: Some users have reported variability in customer support response times, which could impact resolution speed for pressing issues.

10. PrognoCIS by Bizmatics

Overview and Key Features

PrognoCIS by Bizmatics offers a comprehensive EMR solution that caters to the needs of diverse medical practices, including urgent care. Its features support customizable workflows, telemedicine, and integrated billing, making it a flexible option for clinics looking to enhance efficiency and patient care.


  • Customizable Workflows: PrognoCIS allows for extensive customization, enabling urgent care centers to adapt the software to their specific operational needs and preferences.
  • Telemedicine Capabilities: Integrated telemedicine features facilitate remote patient consultations, expanding access to care and accommodating patient preferences.
  • Good Integration Capabilities: The software’s ability to integrate with various third-party applications and services enhances its utility and adaptability.


  • Outdated Interface: Some users find the interface to be less modern and user-friendly compared to other EMR systems, which may affect ease of use.
  • Inconsistent Customer Support: While many users report positive experiences, there have been instances of inconsistent support, which could pose challenges for urgent care centers requiring timely assistance.

Selecting the ideal EMR system for your urgent care center requires careful consideration of your specific needs, including workflow optimization, budget constraints, and the scale of your operations. Whether you prioritize user-friendly interfaces, comprehensive integration capabilities, or robust support for telemedicine, there is a solution out there that can meet your criteria and help elevate the level of care you provide to your patients.

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